Zest Features and Updates
February 14, 2023

The Zest WorkFeed that Keeps Your Team on Track

Zest's Seriously Simple Workfeed automatically prioritizes tickets and tasks so techs know exactly what they need to do for the day. No more uncertainty over meeting SLAs, no more cherry-picking, just sweet simple satisfaction.

The Zest WorkFeed that Keeps Your Team on Track

Manage Your MSP with The Best PSA Software

We all know what it’s like to manage tasks in an MSP. Mountains of tasks piling up, with little order or transparency or order. Techs are often left floundering to figure out which tickets to work on, how to work on them, and which ones are more important than other tickets. Customers become frustrated with service levels, and your business struggles to meet its commitments. Management is left to clean up the mess as they work to understand the techs work process, and mitigate the negative effects hitting customers from poor task management

Zest is all about taking on challenges that other MSP either ignore or don’t see as important. Zest creates easy to use interfaces that allow for next level outcomes for our customers. The Zest Workfeed is a perfect example of taking the complexity out of your MSP, resulting in the right types of outcomes savvy MSPs look for in their business. 

Keep MSP Customers Happy with Zest

The Zest workfeed was built for ultra usability, aligning tasks across your business. The workfeed prioritizes tech’s work, and creates predictability in your business. Tickets are prioritized every day, letting techs know what to work on, how to work on it, and the priority. No longer are techs wondering what task they should be working on or cherry picking the tasks that they want to work on, leaving the undesirable tasks to other techs. Not only does the workfleed manage prioritization and distribution of tasks, but it also allows for the application of service-level agreements. This all leads to better outcomes for your customers, better utilization of resources, and better management of your overall business. The result is happier techs, satisfied customers and resource management that cannot be met by other MSP solutions.

Take the complexity out of your MSP Business